Financial results 2012/2013, Alstom Italy: orders tripled in the last 3 years and building of the new Grid site in Sesto starts soon

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Key figures

(in million euros)

31 March 2012

31 March 2013

% Var 13/12

Orders received



+ 22%









In the financial results for 2012/13 Alstom in Italy are confirmed signs of growth recorded last fiscal year. In particular, new orders, driven by the Transport sector, are still growing by 22% after the excellent results of the last year, surpassing 1.7 billion euro. The overall orders of all sectors grant about 3 years of work load, giving good prospects for the future.

In the last three years, despite the difficult economic environment, we were able to triple the orders and to ensure continuity of industrial activity. This has been achieved mainly due to the enhancement of local skills and excellence, such as the Pendolino train in Savigliano and HVDC technologies for Super Grids in Milan and Noventa di Piave (VE).

The FY 2012/13 sales amounted to one billion euro approximately. The decrease versus the last year is due to the different stages of billing of orders, notably it is not yet possible to see reflections of the major contracts awarded in the last year. Approximately 50% of revenues come from the domestic market, the other half from exports, confirming both the resumption of the Italian market and the international excellence of our locations.

The Transport sector, with 759 million sales, an amount of orders for nearly a half billion Euros and 2,650 employees, is confirmed as the most important business in Italy. Grid follows with 142 million revenues (87% generated by foreign orders) and Power, with 128 million.

Among the most important orders received during the 2012/13 should be mentioned, for the Transport sector, 70 new Coradia Meridian regional trains for Trenitalia and 10 for Ferrovie Nord Milano, 8 high-speed trains Pendolino for the Swiss operator SBB and the signalling and electrification of the line-Curtici Arad in Romania. In Grid Sector Italy is involved in the most important projects of high-voltage direct current (HVCD) transmission lines, as Rio Madeira project, Brazil, the longest in the world or the  DolWin3 project, in Germany, which connects the North Sea wind farms to the mainland grid.

The low level of orders recorded by the Power sector reflects the changes of today's market for the production of energy. We are moving from a energy production system focused on decentralized power plants to one that relies more and more on renewable energy sources. This tendency reduces the need for maintenance of old power plants and, at the same time, increases the need to make networks more efficient. The hope is that the market, especially the home one, has a recovery in the coming year and that, thanks our Power-Grid combined offer, we can answer to this need for a more efficient energy transmission and distribution.

The number of employees, which now stands at around 3,500 people at 13 locations distributed throughout the Italian territory, increased slightly, mainly due to the order of 70 regional trains assigned by Trenitalia, we forecast a growth plan that will take us to increase the workforce of approximately 300 units.

During the year, the Group has confirmed their trust in our Country by investing a total of 20 million in the Italian sites, mainly for the construction of new areas of production and testing or for the renewal of existing areas.

By the end of the month, works to build the new Grid site in Sesto San Giovanni will begin. Alstom is investing in the new site 34 million, 11 of which for the development of research on innovative technologies.

About Alstom
Alstom is a global leader in the world of power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure and sets the benchmark for innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom builds the fastest train and the highest capacity automated metro in the world, provides turnkey integrated power plant solutions and associated services for a wide variety of energy sources, including hydro, nuclear, gas, coal and wind, and offers a wide range of solutions for power transmission, with a focus on smart grids. The Group employs 93,000 people in around 100 countries. It had sales of over 20 billion and booked close to 24 billion in orders in 2012/13.

Press Office Alstom Italy
Daniela Pradella, Tel. +39 02 24348.4493 Mobile +39 348 2586205