Alstom participates in the European PROTECTRAIL security programme and presents the ISM module for its Iconis Plateform

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Alstom, alongside about thirty other European companies, has been taking part in the PROTECTRAIL1 programme which has just come to an end after four years of product development. The company has successfully demonstrated the performance of the ISM2 module for its Iconis Integrated Control Centre.

The module is fully integrated into the Iconis supervision software, and is specially designed for railway operations, to counter terrorist attacks, vandalism, malicious acts, armed attacks and other day-to-day operational problems. Alstom's Iconis Integrated Control Centre is capable of supervising and monitoring all aspects of an operators network.

As part of the PROTECTRAIL programme, the solutions offered by the various parties involved in the transport sector were tested in the presence of a number of European clients (SNCF and RATP from France, PKP from Poland, TCDD from Turkey and ItalCertifer Scpa from Italy for example) to evaluate their precise needs and obtain initial feedback. Alstom was thus able to verify that its ISM module can be incorporated equally well into not only its own existing fleets but also into those of its competitors.

Alstom's solution facilitates better global traffic security management on a day-to-day basis, both out on the track and within stations. "Our solution stands out from the others because it is highly intuitive for operators in the sector," explains Pascal Cléré, Alstom Transport's Senior Vice-President for the Transport Information Solutions division. "The solutions offered so far were created primarily for the aeronautical industry and then used for rail."

European rail operators must deal with abuse on a daily basis, including problems such as vandalism, alarms being triggered unnecessarily etc. A feeling of security is a key factor for the majority of passengers in deciding whether to use the rail network.

1 - A European Union project designed to encourage companies to innovate in order to improve rail safety on main lines. Seven kilometres of track and a depot in Poland hosted the integrated equipment tested by the consortium.
2 - Integrated Security Manager.

About Iconis

Alstom's Iconis Integrated Control Centre supervises all aspects of the network. It coordinates traffic management and various other functions simultaneously using the Iconis ATS for the automatic supervision of urban trains, Iconis CTC for main lines and Iconis Scada to monitor infrastructure - with all of these modules interacting with the signalling and ATC (automatic train control) subsystems.

About Alstom Transport

A promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom Transport develops and markets the most complete range of systems, equipment and services in the railway sector. Alstom Transport manages entire transport systems, including rolling stock, signalling, maintenance and modernisation, infrastructure and offers integrated solutions. Alstom Transport recorded sales of 5.9 billion in the fiscal year 2013/14. Alstom Transport is present in over 60 countries and employs around 28,300 people.
