Exclusive license agreement for an innovative mercury
oxidation technology

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According to the terms of the agreement, ALSTOM has
exclusive rights to market this technology to the power
generation industry in the United States and Canada.

Available in KNXTM coal additives and systems sold exclusively
by ALSTOM, this technology significantly enhances mercury
oxidation in coal-fired boilers and has already been
demonstrated at numerous utility plants throughout North
America.  Oxidized mercury is known to be easier to
collect in downstream air pollution control equipment,
including ESPs, FFs, DFGD and WFGD systems.

Recent tests have demonstrated the potential of the KNX coal
additive to not only enhance mercury oxidation but, in some
cases, even improve the inherent mercury removal of an existing
boiler and downstream air pollution control system, without the
use of activated carbon injection.  On boilers that
incorporate WFGD systems for SO2 removal, KNX technology may
enhance total mercury capture, regardless of the coal being
combusted. The KNX injection system is extremely simple and
cost-effective to retrofit to any coal-fired boiler.

ALSTOM has extensive experience in mercury emission control
and has designed and supplied a number of dedicated, mercury
control systems that include activated carbon injection
systems. Over the past 15 years, ALSTOM has retrofitted some 20
commercial units with activated carbon injection into a
dedicated, polishing fabric filter. These systems, combined,
have achieved over 1.5 million hours of demonstrated reliable

Vosteen Consulting is based in Cologne, Germany and
specializes in research and development of mercury removal from
power generation and industrial processes.  KNX is a
trademark of ALSTOM Power Inc.