Orders and Sales for the first nine months 1998 / 1999

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On a comparable basis:

· Orders received up 3% at 10,716 million euros

· Sales stable at 10,238 million euros


ORDERS RECEIVED (euro million)

First nine months 1998/99/(First nine months 1997/98)

Energy: 2,189/(2,268)

Transmission & Distribution: 1,685/(1,762)

Transport: 2,667/(2,391)

Industrial & Marine: 1,653/(1,469)

Other: 146/(109)

Sub Total: 8,340/(7,999)

Cegelec: 2,376/(2,386)

Total: 10,716/(10,385)

SALES (euro million)

First nine months 1998/99/(First nine months 1997/98)


Transmission & Distribution:1,677/(1,816)

Transport: 2,299/(1,902)

Industrial & Marine:1,428/(1,486)

Other: 146/(109)

Sub Total: 7,646/(7,746)

Cegelec: 2,592/(2,420)

Total: 10,238/(10,166)

1 euro = 6.55957 FF

First nine months 1997/98 numbers are pro-forma numbers and
include Cegelec acquired by ALSTOM in May 1998

Orders received in the first nine months 1998/99 amounted to
10,716 million euros, an increase of 3% on a comparable basis.
Growth in orders has been recorded particularly in North
America, Africa/Middle East and in Europe.

In Energy, orders have decreased by 3% compared to the first
nine months 1997/98. Orders received in Europe and the Middle
East have increased while a decrease was recorded in Asia and
in South America. Major contracts signed but not yet recorded
in the order book include the construction of a coal-fired
power plant in Ho-Ping (Taiwan), the largest contract awarded
to ALSTOM in the Energy sector in the last three years.

In Transmission and Distribution, the marked increase in
orders received in the Americas, as well as in the Middle East
and North Africa, was more than offset by the decrease in
orders received in Asia and in Europe. Major orders include
substations in Germany, High Voltage Direct Current convertor
stations in Uruguay and power capacitors and transmission lines
in Mexico.

In Transport, orders have increased by 12% compared to the
corresponding period last year. Large orders recorded in the
last quarter include freight locomotives for the French
National Railways (SNCF) and trams for Katowice in Poland.

In Industrial and Marine, orders received in the last
quarter include a 360 cabin cruise ship for Radisson Seven

Sales for the first nine months 1998/99 amounted to 10,238
million euros, a slight increase compared to 1997/98 first nine