Alstom first BoBo locomotive arrived in

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Worth a total of 374.5 million euros, the order comprises
180 double locomotives. The Belfort site will manufacture 12
complete locomotives and supply thirty six kits, which will be
assembled in China. Datong Electric Locomotives will
manufacture the remaining 168 vehicles.

The 9.6-MW double axle-electric locomotive is the most powerful
type Alstom Transport has ever built. It will be used to pull
20,000-tonne trains loaded with coal on the 650 KM stretch
between the Datong mine and Qin Huang Dao port.

This first delivery takes place just 19 months after the
contract came into force, one-and-a-half months ahead of
schedule. Le Creusot (bogies), Ornans (traction motors), Tarbes
(traction systems and system cubicles) and Charleroi (auxiliary
blocks) serve as Belforts partners for the

In addition, a contract for the supply of 500 CoCo locomotives
in partnership with Datong Electric Locomotives is under
negotiation for the time being.