Alstom China wins Top Employer 2023 certification for its excellent workplace culture

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  • Alstom advocates for its one Alstom concept and its AIR values

  • Alstom China has been recognised as a Top Employer in China for three consecutive years

17 January 2023 – Alstom China has been recognised as a Top Employer 2023 in China. With the continuous promotion of its talent development strategy, corporate values, and employee care, Alstom China has won this award for the third consecutive year.

“Alstom China is honoured to receive this award a third time. This is a complete acknowledgment and incentive for Alstom China to implement the Group's humanistic care, as well as actively create a positive and localised workplace environment. It is believed that a dedicated and passionate workforce is a strong foundation for Alstom's success. Alstom China will continue to optimise the workplace environment in a diverse and inclusive way for long-term development,” said Ming Geng, Managing Director, Alstom China.

People-oriented: Outstanding culture empowers Alstom for better development

Alstom, as the leader in smart, sustainable mobility, is building a strong community for its employees around the “One Alstom” concept and its AIR (Agile, Inclusive, and Responsible) values to support the company's long-term growth. Alstom China actively promotes the localisation of the Group's philosophy in China, effectively develops the Group's ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) strategy, and is dedicated to creating a positive, harmonious work environment for employees and providing fresh energy for business growth.

This is highly compatible with the criteria of Top Employer Certification. The Top Employer Institute certificates Top Employers based on its evaluation, which covers six HR domains consisting of 20 topics including People Strategy, Work Environment, and more. Alstom China retains its market-leading position and builds on its stellar performance from the previous year's award, receiving high acclaim from the Top Employer Institute for its efforts in the areas of talent strategy, organisational improvement, leadership development, and ethical compliance.

“Alstom China is honoured to receive this award a third time. This is a complete acknowledgment and incentive for Alstom China to implement the Group's humanistic care, as well as actively create a positive and localised workplace environment.”

Ming Geng
Managing Director, Alstom China

Employee first: Foster a team of healthy and active employees

Alstom China strives to build and maintain a healthy, engaged workforce as well as prioritise ensuring every employee's safety and well-being. Through the implementation of Alstom's zero violation policy, the organisation of events like Health and Happiness Day, Fire Prevention Month, Safety Month and Environmental Day, and the promotion of initiatives like leadership-led inspections combined with safety campaigns, all enable Alstom to pursue the goal of "zero serious accidents" in daily work and foster a corporate health and safety culture to ensure the safety and health of employees while improving their wellbeing. Over 86% of Chinese employees, who participated in the recently completed 2022 employee survey, expressed pride in their employment with Alstom. The Alstom China EHS team actively coordinates materials, conducts routine health psychological consultations, promptly confirms the physical and mental health status of employees, and works to give staff members warm and reliable care and protection as we fight against the epidemic.

  • 3 yrs
    Recognised as a Top Employer in China for three consecutive years
  • >86%
    of Chinese employees, who participated in the 2022 employee survey, expressed pride in their employment with Alstom.
  • 29%
    of all employees in Alstom China in 2022 were women

Diversity & Inclusiveness: Provide all-round help for talents to pursue work ideals

Building talent at Alstom China requires a corporate environment that is both diverse and inclusive. Alstom China makes an effort to give employees of different genders equal opportunities whenever possible. Women make up 29% of all employees in Alstom China in 2022, and 36% of female white-collar workers, which is also a high level in the Group globally. This proportion of female employees is rising at different levels and in diverse positions. It can be said that more female employees will be able to benefit from the 2022 China Women's Club or also experience personal growth and care as a result of its establishment.

At the same time, Alstom actively promotes and assists every employee's personal growth in China. By launching a digital career platform, together with other means, Alstom helps employees better understand their roles, company needs, future career goals, improve their experience and find ways to achieve career development. By establishing the China Development & Growth Forum, Alstom encourages sharing and fosters an environment of organisational growth. Also, by enhancing the internal corporate university training programmes, Alstom guides employees to design and implement clear development plans. Furthermore, Alstom China strengthens its connection with the local talent market through localised social media platforms such as the WeChat recruitment platform, Boss and Liepin, which continue to work towards attracting new talents to join Alstom to inject fresh energy into the team.

In the future, Alstom will continue to improve diversity and inclusiveness in China, with the goal of making the more than 10,000 employees in China feel like they are part of the "One Alstom" team, and working together not only to maintain a good workplace environment, but also to create a sustainable new future for Alstom China.

Present in China for over 60 years, Alstom participates in the full spectrum of China’s railway projects. Alstom in China now has a complete range of rolling stock (high-speed trains, railway passenger cars, locomotives, metros, automated people movers, monorails and trams), state-of-the-art components (traction systems, bogies, traction motors, dampers), customised services as well as infrastructure and signalling solutions.

Alstom in China has eleven joint ventures, eight wholly foreign-owned enterprises, and over 10,000 employees. Together, the joint ventures have delivered more than 6,000 railway passenger cars and 1,530 electric locomotives, more than 7,200 metro cars, over 800 monorail cars, 136 automated people mover cars, and 191 tram cars to China’s growing rail transit market as well as to overseas markets. In China, Alstom also provides customers with a wide range of services solutions, from heavy maintenance to modernisations, and currently has more than 3,200 metro cars under maintenance contracts. It is a major signalling supplier to the Chinese high-speed network, and through its joint ventures, its signalling systems and propulsion equipment are utilised in more than 100 urban mass transit lines.

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