Corporate Governance

Alstom has been listed on the Paris Stock Exchange since 1998 and therefore applies corporate governance rules. Alstom provides transparency when conducting business and applies corporate governance guidelines carrying out the corporate governance principles published by the AFEP and the MEDEF.
To access our documents related to Governance

Board of Directors
Alstom’s Board of Directors is composed of twelve members and one observer, appointed for a four-year period.
7nationalities represented
50%of women members of the Board (excluding Board members representing employees)
Board Committees
The Board of Directors is assisted by three Committees: the Audit and Risks Committee, the Nominations and Remuneration Committee, and the Ethics and Sustainability Committee .
Audit and Risks Committee
Members: Clotilde Delbos (Chairwoman), José Gonzalo, permanent representative of Bpifrance Investissement, Kim Thomassin, permanent representative of CDPQ.
Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Members: Baudouin Prot (Chairman), José Gonzalo, permanent representative of Bpifrance Investissement, Kim Thomassin, permanent representative of CDPQ, Jay Walder.
Ethics and Sustainability Committee
Members: Sylvie Kandé de Beaupuy (Chairwoman), Bi Yong Chungunco, Baudouin Prot.
Leadership team
Emmanuelle Petrovic
General Counsel