ALSTOM wins 250 million euro contracts for a power plant in Singapore

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Turnkey 800 MW combined-cycle plant will use advanced gas
and steam turbines.

A six-year maintenance contract is also included in the

ALSTOM has been awarded an Engineering, Procurement and
Construction contract for an 800 MW combined-cycle cogeneration
power plant at Sakra in Singapore. The turnkey contract
together with a six-year maintenance contract have a total
value of approximately 250 million euros.

Both orders were placed by independent power producer
SembCorp Cogen. The developers of the project are SembCorp
Engineering, EDB Investments and JTC International of
Singapore, associated with Tractebel of Belgium.

ALSTOM will act as the main contractor for the project,
which will incorporate two gas turbines burning natural gas or
fuel distillate as a back-up, as well as a steam turbine. The
company will also supply all other components, including the
two heat recovery steam generators, the electrical generators
and the overall plant digital control system. The reheat steam
turbine cogeneration has the capability to permit process steam
extraction for use by adjacent chemical and petrochemical

The power plant will begin commercial operation in the year

Vincent Maurel, Senior Vice President of ALSTOMs
Energy Sector, who signed the contract on behalf of ALSTOM said
: « We are very pleased to have been awarded this
important project. This turnkey contract with long-term
maintenance represents a growing trend in the market. The
development of private power generation schemes by IPPs* is
increasingly popular and these outstanding orders show ALSTOM
to be highly competitive in this business. »

A key factor in the award of this order was ALSTOMs
strong presence in Singapore. Its subsidiary, ALSTOM Energy
Services Asia, has the comprehensive capability to provide
local support for the maintenance contract.