ALSTOM wins metro contract worth 435 million euros from
Paris Transport Authority

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The Paris Transport Authority (RATP) has just notified the
consortium comprising ALSTOM, Bombardier and Technicatome of
its decision to order 161 metro trains (805 metro cars) for a
total value of 695 million euros. ALSTOM's share of the
contract is 435 million euros, 63 % of the total amount. The
metro trains are destined to replace roughly 40% of the RATP's
current metro fleet, beginning in 2005.

The new trains, designated MF 2000, will be composed of five
cars, three of which will be motorised with ONIX traction, also
supplied by ALSTOM to the Washington D.C. metro. Each metro car
will have a capacity of between 92 and 112 seated

At more than 30 years old, the metro cars to be replaced are
at the end of their natural lifecycle. The new cars, selected
following an international tender, use proven, technologically
advanced solutions to assure excellent performance and safety
at reduced initial and lifecycle costs. The RATP will thus be
able to offer its passengers high levels of comfort and low
ambient noise. Improvements include air conditioning and full
width gangways between metro cars giving passengers total
visibility and free movement the length of the train's interior
for improved security.

The metro cars are to be built in Valenciennes, in the
northern region of France . A pre-series train will be
delivered for testing on Line 2 of the Paris metro in December
2003. Full production is scheduled to begin by mid-2004 and the
first series train for Line 2 will be delivered by December
2005. Deliveries for Line 5 will begin in mid-2008, and for
Line 9 in mid-2011. Final deliveries are scheduled for December

Michel Moreau, president of ALSTOM's Transport Sector, said,
'It is most gratifying to bring our new technologies to our
long-standing customer, RATP. This contract is proof of our
long-term commitment to them, and to their passengers, for new
levels of comfort including noise-reduction in mass


ALSTOM is the global specialist in energy and transport
infrastructure. The Company serves the energy market through
its activities in the fields of power generation, power
transmission and distribution, power conversion and electrical
contracting and the transport market through its activities in
rail and marine. ALSTOM today has annual sales in excess of 24
billion euros and employs approximately 140,000 people

ALSTOM's Transport Sector, with sales of 4.4 billion euros
and a 17% market share, is a leading supplier of rolling stock,
signaling, services and railway systems to the rail industry


Press enquiries:

S. Gagneraud/G. Tourvieille

(Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 87)

Investor relations:

R. Shaw (Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 78)

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