ALSTOM wins order to supply oil fired boiler in Australia

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ALSTOM has been awarded a contract by Alcan Gove Pty Limited of Australia (formerly Nabalco), to supply an oil fired boiler also designed for future gas conversion. With the equivalent of 60 MWe total electrical capacity, the boiler will feature ALSTOM’s tilting tangential firing combustion technology and will be used in conjunction with three existing ALSTOM boilers supplied 30 years ago. The boiler will be equipped with advanced emission control systems to ensure environmental protection, one of the Gove Project key concerns. 

The power generation plant located on the Gove Peninsula in Australia’s Northern Territory not only produces power for the Alcan Gove aluminia refinery but also for the local community. ALSTOM’s ability to provide cost effective, technical solutions to meet the varied performance requirements (including emissions control) were key factors in the award of this contract. 

The Gove Project, currently under extension, is managed by Alcan Pty Limited and is one of the world's leading bauxite mining and aluminia processing operations. The Project is 100% owned by Alcan Aluminium Limited (Canada) through subsidiary companies. 

The contract came into effect on the 14 th February 2003 and completion is due in October 2004. 

Press Enquiries :
Lynne Anderson
Tel. : +46 122 81700
Fax. : +46 122 17740
Project Enquiries :
Kelly Bradford
Tel. : +61 2 8870 6101
Fax. : +61 2 8870 6005