ALSTOM Delivers First of Three Gas Turbines To Braemar
Power Station

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A 340 tonne ALSTOM Gas turbine, the first of three to be
installed at the Braemar Power Station, will begin its
strategically planned journey from Brisbanes port
facilities to its new home, 20 km west of Dalby on Sunday

Up to six prime movers, all electronically linked, will be
required to ensure a safe passage for the massive turbine which
involves negotiating the Toowoomba range, one of Queensland
steepest inclines for a main road.

The transport unit is approximately 122 metres long, 6.6
meters wide with 224 wheels on the trailers and another 50 on
the prime movers. The convoy requires two pilot cars and a
three-car police escort.

The journey for the turbine, originally manufactured by
ALSTOM in its state of the art manufacturing facility in Birr,
Switzerland, began as it was loaded from a specialised vehicle
onto a large barge and transported to Rotterdam.

From there is was carefully loaded into a specially designed
heavy lift vessel and shipped to Singapore where it was
reloaded onto a smaller but similar vessel for its final leg to
Brisbane. The total travel time has taken approximately 10

The GT13E2 Gas Turbine, along with two additional units,
will be used by Braemar Power Projects to power the 450
Megawatt power station which is due to be commissioned in late
2006, supplying an important peak load supply of electricity to

Media Enquiries:


Sheldon Young

Communications & Marketing Manager

ALSTOM Australia & New Zealand

Tel: (02) 8870 6065 Mobile: 0409 362 546