Alstom confirms its leadership in high-technology signalling in equipping 121 ICE-trains of Deutsche Bahn with its ERTMS-based train control solution Atlas

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German operator Deutsche Bahn (DB) has entrusted Alstom to equip 121 trains of its fleet ICE* with its signalling ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) based-train control solution Atlas. The contract is worth around 60 million. The trains to be equipped are 71 ICE-T tilting trains and further 50 ICE3 trains. The 121 ICE-trains are operated in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The first 17 newly equipped trains are to start service in December 2012 in Vienna-St. Pölten and Unterinntal (Austria). From December 2015, they will operate on the German new-built line which will link Halle (Salle)/Leipzig to Erfurt and from December 2016, on the Swiss network.

This order strengthens our position on the European market for running safety on rail , declared Dr. Martin Lange, Managing Director of Alstom Transport in Germany and Austria. This is another proof of our customers confidence in our technology and service , he added.

Atlas equipment will be manufactured in Alstom site of Charleroi (Belgium) and Villeurbanne (France). It is foreseen that DB and Alstom teams will then install and integrate the systems in the ICE-T trains in DB-sites in Hagen/Krefeld and Nuremburg in Germany.

Atlas solution optimizes traffic flows and intervals between trains, assuring passenger safety. It guarantees perfect interoperability for the entire European network and reinforces ntework's profitability.

Alstom has already equipped with its Atlas solution 468 vehicles of SBB (the Swiss federal railways) fleet, which are in commercial operation in Switerzland under ETCS Level 2 since July 2006. In 2008, Deutsche Bahn ordered Atlas equipment for 17 ICE 3 trains, which, in the meantime, used for cross-border traffic between Frankfurt and Brussels, and between Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Paris from 2012. In January 2010, Alstom received an order from Austrian Railways ÖBB (Österreichische Bundesbahnen) to equip 449 vehicles with ATLAS which will enter commercial service in December 2012 on the ETCS Level 2 Austrian new-built lines.

About Alstom Transport's ERTMS system : ATLAS

This new contract confirms Alstom Transports position as the leader in the operational deployment of interoperability in Europe. Alstom holds a market share of 63% of the on-board ERTMS Level2 equipment contracts. Over 1100 trains equipped with Atlas solution have travelled around 40 million kilometres in commercial service. Across Europe, more than 8 trains out of 10 operating under ETCS Level 2 supervision are running under ATLAS supervision across Europe. Alstom has more than 30 ERTMS projects in service in nine European countries, including the Rome-Naples line in Italy, the first very high speed line equipped with a Level 2 ERTMS system, the Mattstetten-Rothrist line in Switzerland, used by the biggest equipped fleet and the freight line Betuwe Route in the Netherlands, part of Corridor C.
Furthermore, over 1, 300 vehicles will enter in service with Atlas solution in the next years.

About Alstom Transport
A promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom is the only manufacturer in the world to offer a complete range of high performance products: rolling stock, infrastructures, information systems, services and turnkey solutions. Mindful of operators´ ever more stringent profitability objectives and of their growing need for sustainable mobility solutions, we propose ecologically and economically efficient products and services to our customers. Alstom transport recorded sales of 5.8 billion euros in the fiscal year 2009-2010. Alstom Transport is present in 60 countries and employs some 26,000 people.

Press contact Karen Brouiller (Transport)
Tel + 33 1 57 06 18 42 

* ICE are the high-speed trains supplied by Siemens to Deutsche Bahn.

** ETCS (European Train Control System) : The ETCS is one of the components of the ERTMS. It was designed to enable trains to quickly cross borders, ensuring the safety of rail traffic. There are several ETCS levels. With level 1, signal information is transmitted by eurobalise radio beacons (transponders which are placed on the tracks). With level 2, information is transmitted over the GSM-R network. Trains use the network to provide control centres with constantly updated information about their positions. The centres in turn send back information about actions to be taken (permissible speeds, stops, etc.).