IFA2000 crosses finish line in the nick of time

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Just in time to supply electricity for this summer's sporting events in London, the Alstom Grid teams in the UK and France have been able to successfully put the HVDC interconnection known as IFA2000 back into service.


IFA2000 runs under the English Channel between the British and continental European electricity grids and is the oldest and highest rated submarine DC connection in the world. This interconnection is based on converter stations consisting of four 500 MW poles that are arranged as two 1000 MW bi-poles. These two converter stations are linked through eight 270 kVdc submarine cables and buried in trenches, 1.5 m deep.

Commissioned by RTE and National Grid, Alstom finished Bi-pole 1 last year and Bi-pole 2 was finalised this spring.


The project was a great success, delivered on time whilst keeping safety a priority and Alstom Grid is very proud to have participated in this renovation. 


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