Alstom will increase transmission capacity of TenneT TSO GmbHs grid in Germany

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Alstom has been awarded a contract by TenneT TSO GmbH, one of Germanys four transmission grid operators, for the delivery of two 300 MVAr MSCDN (Mechanical Switched Capacitors with Damping Network) to be installed in the 380 kV substations of Borken and Raitersaich. The MSCDN is to be commissioned at the end of March 2013.

Transmission network operators are facing challenges as more and more energy is being fed-in from renewable and decentralized sources in regions with low energy needs. Fast feed-in of reactive power to stabilize voltage is essential to ensure security of energy supply, guarantee of power quality, and establish sufficient transmission capacities.

Using MSCDN, network operators will be able to reach levels of 300 MVAr capacitive reactive power, at the nominal transmission network voltage of 380 kV. The filter function of MSCDN helps reduce harmonic oscillations, which occur due to the rising number of power electronics devices (e.g. renewable energies), and ensure a more flawless power quality. The flexible nature of the MSCDN means that it can support voltage levels during high capacity and be switched off when capacity is low. The MSCDN can be switched on and off up to 5 times per day in average.

The filter function and the flexible nature of the MSCDN present an essential and competitive component for the future energy transmission, explained Jan-Hendrik von Auer, Unit Manager Power Electronics Activities Alstom Grid, Berlin. Alstom is the first and leading manufacturer of MSCDN in Germany with five existing installations and a market share of about 90%. Alstom has three additional projects currently in progress and a further three contracts are in offer stage.

Press contacts
Tanja Kampa (Alstom Germany) Tel: +49 621 329 2070
Ulrike Hörchens (TenneT TSO GmbH) Tel: +49 921 50 740 4045