Smart glazing by Alstom

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During the Industry and Innovation train event which criss-crosses France from 19 March to 18 April 2013, Alstom presents a smart glazing prototype* for its trains. Spotlight on this innovating technology which places real-time passenger information at the heart of passenger journeys.

Real-time information at the heart of transportation

Passenger information is becoming a key component of a successful trip with the arising of intermodality. For example, real-time passenger information systems are already in operation to meet this demand on RATP and SNCF networks in the Île-de-france region.

The equipment could be video or digital displays:

  • in the train stations;
  • on the station platforms or at the bus stops;
  • aboard the vehicles.

Designing a new fluidity for passenger information

To make the information even more accessible to the travelers, Alstom proposes to take advantage of the train glazing as a new media for real-time information. The smart glazing prototype imagined by Alstom and Saint-Gobain is based on a transparent liquid crystal display.

Placed at the fingertips of passengers, it will allow turning free-time during journeys into an information or leisure time.

According to the operator , many types of information could be displayed:

  • Hours of trains, trams and metros connections;
  • Information or prevention announcements (construction, disturbances);
  • Information about passenger program;
  • Destination map;
  • Point of interest of the stations or cities crossed;
  • Videos, etc.

Thanks to this innovative technology, real-time passenger information becomes an integral part of pleasant and seamless journeys. 

* by exposing this non-marketed prototype, Alstom  aims to collect Industry and Innovation train visitors feedback.


A date with industrial excellence