Alstom, the first company in Spain to certify its dedicated research personnel

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Alstom Renewable in Spain and Alstom Transport in Spain have obtained the European Quality Assurance certificates for their research staff dedicated to R&D+i activities, making Alstom the first company in Spain to certify its exclusive research employees.

These certificates corroborate Alstom Spain's investments and commitment to innovation and new patent development. Alstom in Spain, with 49 requests in 2013, is one of the top three patent applicant companies from Spain according to the 2013 ranking published by the European Patent Office (EPO). Together with the aerospace company, EADS, its the principal multinational company in Spain for R&D investment, leading the energy and railway sectors in our country through innovation and patents.

Alstom Transport innovation projects in Spain

In Spain, Alstom Transport has certified engineers in the Services and Maintenance unit and personnel specialised exclusively in R&D, with the following projects:

  • Trainscanner: a predictive maintenance tool monitoring the health of wheels, brake pads and pantograph carbon strips and using advanced data analysis to predict their remaining useful life. Currently being commissioned on the West Coast Main Line operated by Virgin Trains (United Kingdom).
  • CBM On Board (On Board Condition Based Maintenance): a tool for obtaining data in real operating conditions, using self-powered wireless sensors installed in the train equipment that requires monitoring.
  • Portable brake test bench: makes it possible to detect the need for repairs without disassembling the brake panel, using an automatic, monitoring system with high-precision sensors. 

Alstom Wind global R&D centre

Alstom Renewable has certified the research staff at the Alstom Wind R&D research centre in Barcelona. This global research centre manages and develops innovation projects in the wind energy sector around the world. Among the current projects we would highlight:

  • On-shore wind turbines: ECO 110 and ECO 122.
  • The HALIADE 150 off-shore wind turbine.
  • WINDACCESS wind farm control system.
  • The new GALILEO control system.
  • Project AZIMUT is designed to serve as the foundation of future development of a powerful offshore wind turbine (15 MW), addressing the challenges facing offshore wind energy sector, which include efficiency, availability, energy costs and investment costs.