Tramway & LRV signalling : Advanced assistance for operations and safety

Tramway & LRV signalling at a glance
- Tram protection and assistance functions
- Overlay or standalone safety solution
- Deployed in Brussels, Constantine, Marseille, Nice, Rouen…
Transport authorities today set ambitious service regularity and punctuality objectives to maintain passenger satisfaction. To meet these goals whilst maintaining impeccable safety standards, Alstom's light rail signalling solutions provide valuable operational and driving assistance for drive-on-sight trams.
For hazardous environments
Alstom's automatic train protection system for light rail vehicles aims to improve the safety of on-sight driving and provide driver control and assistance functions compliant with CENELEC standards (European committee for electro-technical standardisation). Safety is of paramount importance when trams circulate on a single track, on curves or slopes, or in tunnels. This system acts on speed control and braking / stop functions to consistently guarantee safe light rail services and improve operational availability.

Speed and braking
Driving on sight entails significant responsibility and autonomy for tram drivers, with the associated risks of overspeed and non-compliance with signals. With a tachometer and event recorder fitted on-board, it calculates and records speeds and distances, also managing four speed thresholds. Interacting with wayside beacons, the system can slow a tram down in the event of overspeed, or even apply emergency braking if there is a risk of a signal being passed at danger. In addition to these automatic train protection functions, it can control the pantograph, side door opening, and greasing and sanding processes, assisting drivers in their tasks.
Ease of deployment
Our tram safety package is modular and scalable, designed to fit all client requirements and evolve alongside the development of the line or network. It is provided embedded in our Citadis vehicle (running in Nice and Avignon, for example), and easy to install on other light rail vehicles. It can be deployed on the trackside as a safety overlay to a signalling system on new or existing lines. Trackside beacons are wireless, reducing infrastructure costs and risks (damage, vandalism) and on-board equipment is compact.
500+trams equiped
300+traffic signals and speed limits enforced
10+years of operation